Loose a minute to read me.
If you love life.
I wanted to talk about something that touches me and today is the day of brain stroke.
This is the 3rd cause of death in France and 2nd in the world. It's a heart to the brain, a clogged artery and part of the brain has no more blood.On August 6, 2007, in the Snow/MTB resort of Les Gets, in the French Alps, I was doing MTB and I felled due to tired. I felled and I cut the 2 carotid arteries and 2 vertebral arteries. I was lucky, an hour earlier I was driving on the highway, with my wife and my son, I could kill them with this malaise.I had 4 strokes on my brain.For a single stroke there is 25% of deaths in the first month, 50% of deaths in the first year and 80% of physically and mentally injured in those who remain.
I'm lucky, my strokes were due to an accident and not a weakness, but usually stroke are due to health problems and people can die when they are watching the TV because they were negligent!I've always been in perfect health, I have never smoked, drank and I have a fitness crazy.
And you? What is your blood pressure/tension?
What is a stroke, do you know?
My head hit the ground, I got up and successively I felt an intense heat, I completely lost my sight , then I fell, I could not control my body, I felt the earth on my face and nothing ...
Blind, the left side paralyzed, I had no more balance, I was insane and had regressed mentally. I was a vegetable, but I always heard, I understood as a child, my brain was working as a child of 5 years.I was happy because I was lucky because I was not dead and if I'm not dead I can continue to dream to survive: As long as I live I can fight to achieve my dreams ...I dreamed of my friends, my family, my wife, my son, my life, what I would do again, as soon as I can walk or ride in a wheelchair after ... because there will be an After I've never doubted.And then I began to see, barely, above left, a color, green, and my leg has moved.
So when the doctor at the hospital of Mont Blanc asked me how it went: I told him "I'm fine" because it's true I was better than before...
Because of this, because "I was ok, I was accepted in an Hospital, in the urgent and intensive care section only on Friday, August 9 at night in the hospital of Gui De Chauliac in Montpellier. From the stage of quasi-independent, survival and neglected, to a 100% dependent stationary horizontal and stabilized patient, with a staff of dozens of dedicated people ... incomprehensible?! It was 4 days after my accident.
For only one stroke you need a treatment within 3 hours maximum.In the helicopter, firefighters had seen the symptoms of stroke, but not the student at the hospital alone during the holidays period.They are simple, you know them? They are simples...
Yet it must be treated in less than 3 hours. Ask your doctor it will take 2 minutes to control you tension.The white spots on the picture on your right, are dead brain. I do not recommend the experience, the brain does not rebuilt itself. Do not believe everything you read, the brain never found all the annexes roads, to redo and pass the messages. The "brain plasticity" is not a river blocked by branches, looking for a new crossing in a sandy bed, the oxbow.The damage is ultimately very numerous and stressful daily.I was standing on a bed, they was telling me once more (I'm used to hospitals, lol): it will be like before, you're miracle, life is changed once again you have been very lucky.And then one day I left out, but life had not changed as they said, I was the only one who had changed. So I did with what my left side, my balance and my brain gave me the opportunity to do, and I found ways to continue my dreams where I'd left them.I came back to my job too quickly without saying anything.I spent hours, days, to load my bike on my truck, instead of the usual 5 minutes to go and have fun.I learned to synchronize myself and have balance in doing "ski" (sliding rather...), I learned to understand three-dimensional in cutting wood ... I learned things at the same time as my son of one year old.I live with my disability, my legacy, my aneurysm, but I live like all the world, not even, which I enjoy every moment even before!And little by little, step by step, I saved my appearance ... so that one day someone called me a "liar" and I said I had won, for which dother than myself, who lives every moment of my life and the pictures work on MRI can hint at?
"The "outer shell" is virtually remade: That makes a save! It's incredible!I have 4 large necrosis on my brain, an aneurysm ... is he going to fart ?!?...I cant see like before, Small paralysis in my left arm, my foot, brain deficiencies that I perceive as onerous and other concerns.Life is still beautiful, but do what you can to not degrade too quickly your health, it never return back, I'd never see the entire face of my son ... but few time ago he may never know his father.I have other worries, but I manage ;-)
If you've had a stroke: courage, with luck and work, improvements are possible.Think that life is something precious that respects itself.I'm fine, thank you.
Forward this message please, it is for YOU.
David Etienne.
NB: I assessed the risks in relation to my ability, made similarly cautious.
Thank you to young people who helped me during my accident.Do not ask me to write without making mistakes...
I read this morning an article of Dr Bogdan Draganski (2004 on the training of the brain link)Since my accident on the 6th of august of 2007, I train everyday to fight against my troubles: balance, vision, concentration, synchronization but the 3rd of December 2009, I had a surgery on a nerve of my elbow (I had no more sensations on my left hand).I stopped the sport and my training for 3 months, and I have now to restart everything from quite the beginning.That mean my brain is not keeping so long the benefit of my training, its the use of my effort who permit me to looks like a standard people.Once again I'm learning with my kid ;-)